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10-03-2006, 10:26 PM
Re: (0...)
Does anyone know why my globe thistle won't flower?? I planted it a couple years ago and the leaves come up every year and the leaves have gotten larger every year but no signs of flowers (this is the third summer). I have them on the south side of my house (zone 5). The leaves look very healthy but like I said, no signs of flowers at all. What's up with that?
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Joined: Jul 2006
maybe you have put too much plant food on it? I know that there are several plants that actually do better without any amendments
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My globe thistle is also on the south side of the house (zone 4), in horrible soil. I do nothing to it at all, and it blooms very well for me.
The great thing about gardening is that you always get a chance to start over!
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I suspect you are loving it to much in some manor. They seem to require no care and minimal soil condition to thrive just fine.
50 year organic principled gardener.